What a fascinating exploration. There is so much in your thoughtful post that resonates with what is happening in our home this very moment. My husband and I are 67 and we've recently weathered a health crisis. As we come out of it, I find myself choosing paint colors. Our first project, a small bathroom, was painted peachy white 20 years ago. When I ordered paint samples, I went for similar colors but I chose, for a different project, samples of a charcoal gray and deep forest green. When I picked up my paintbrush (after much testing on the bathroom walls) it was the darker, moodier colors I chose, against my husband's protests that it wouldn't work in a small room. I watered down the gray (which is almost black) and started watercolor-washing it over the old peachy white. As the room darkened, I sighed. How lovely.

And then... the oddest thing happened. Over the next two weeks (which is how long it is taking me to paint this tiny room) my husband and I both began painting murals on the remaining white walls, using the new paints. Vines snake up the wall above the sink. Mountains emerged behind the entry door. We've liberated something marvelous and, without discussing it, we are having a conversation in paint and imagery.

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Great insights into the use of color.

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I so enjoyed reading this! Lots of good things to think about, esp with the hope of a house move coming up…

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