1 Comment
Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

An interesting meditation. At first, I balked. I thought about how I never notice what anyone is wearing, or their hair, or shoes, and prefer to look at their face and ask questions — connecting with who they are inside, not outside. But I had an interesting experience earlier this summer, sitting in DIA, waiting with my husband for a flight to NYC. I glanced down at my shoes and thought, “Oh, no, no, no, this will never do!” They were scuffed and tired-looking and needed a freshen-up! I marched back up the concourse and left my shoes with the shoe-shine guy who, a credit to his trade, shined them right up! They looked fabulous! My trip to New York was so much better with my shiny shoes! I did not have to hide them under the cafe tables or feel embarrassed of them on the subway. I walked with confidence! I think it is interesting that I don’t bother to notice what OTHERS’ shoes might look like, but it is important to me that MINE look nice.

An unexpected trip back to Minnesota mid-summer for a beloved grandmother’s funeral found me back at the airport and handing my shoes to the shoe-shine lady who told me she was grateful for the work, that it had been slow. My shoes were ready for a new shine, and I was grateful for her good work. I agree that “shoes” are foundational, for people and houses. Thank you for your article!

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